Wednesday, January 2, 2013


It's that time of year again people.

Resolution time.

I want some good ones this year.

I did great last year with my weight loss. I don't really remember how much I lost, but then something threw me off track. Something little liiiike...oh a baby. I was on a roll though. Tanya and I were workout crazy, lots of walk and bootcamp filled my day. Then naps filled my day.

So obviously this year I need to get back on the bandwagon. I figure by March I should be ready to hit it up again, and the weather will be maybe kinda nice? So then we can get outside and walk.

I am finding it hard to make a realistic goal for this. I have gained just over 30 pounds so far, and I have no idea how much of it will be left after B Sutts gets here. Obviously, the goal there is to lose whatever is left, plus at least 20...30? I may have to reevaluate this once I can get moving again.

All I know, I miss working out. I should have kept up with it during my pregnancy and that is something I plan to do with baby like 2 years. So even if I can't set a number of pounds I want to lose..I can say that I want to get active again. Run a 5k or 3?

We are officially on a budget.

I have talked about it forever, but now we are really doing it.

Of course, just as I get it together...I get the nesting bug and I want to organize my entire house. Which includes finding Tupperware to organize my kitchen...which includes spending money I'm not supposed to. It never fails.

Set a budget=wanting to buy everything you can think of.

I also want to do this:

Basically, you make this thing up ahead of time. (So whenever I get around to getting note cards.) Every day you write down something quick about your day, and it starts over the next year. Its cool because in 2014 I can see what I was doing exactly a year ago that day.
I figured this would be pretty cool with the baby coming. It will be pretty awesome to read next year.:)
So, resolutions are:
1.) Lose baby weight + some, and run a 3ish 5ks.
2.) Stick to our budget and put away more money so we can buy a house. :)
3.) Keep a daily sentence journal.
What did you guys decide to do?


  1. Don't do the notecard thing. Buy this...

    I got one two years ago for my bday. I started off writing in it every day but just like my blog, life happened and I sort of stopped. My new year's resolution- start blogging more again, and writing in my book.

  2. Oh! I love that book! I had a feeling notecards would get annoying after a while. Thanks!! You should start to blog again!!

  3. Don't be too hard on yourself if you're not ready to work out in March. It took me at least 6 months to feel normal again and I was hard on myself for it....and PS I still have not lost the baby weight. Working on it constantly though and It's my goal to lose it before we have another! I can't wait to see pics of your little man!
