Monday, January 28, 2013

Let's Make a Deal..

Ok, so this post officially makes me a mom.

It's about poop.

So yesterday morning, Parker wakes up at 6:30, and I did NOT want to get out of bed. So I made a deal.

If Thane would get up and change him and get his bottle ready, I would change every diaper until 6pm that night.

Thane took that deal in a heartbeat.

Back story: Our babe doesn't poop every day. So we both new that was the day. It was like a ticking time bomb...

I changed him all day...and I am developing a complex because I swear..I suck at changing his diaper. He pees through the leg hole or something, but only when I change him. UGH.

At one point I catch a whiff..our baby is smelly.

It was 5:50.

I pray its not...but of course, it was.

He just took a poop and probably lost half his body weight.

Really? Really? 10 minutes to spare.

I was SO close.

I think Thane and Parker have it in for me.

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1 comment:

  1. Pull the diaper up higher and the straps tighter :) Either that or the diapers may be too big
