Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ohhhh Canada!

Dear Lord...please don't let Parker be sick.

I am now 90% sure that he isn't.

He slept hooooooorrbile last night, which was made worse by the fact that he slept awesome 2 nights ago. Like only waking up 3 times to eat awesome. And then last night.....oh boy. He wouldn't sleep in his bassinet let alone on my chest. #joysofanewborn.

So there was that and then before Thane went to work he says, "Is he breathing really heavy? Like panting?"

I honestly had no idea. How horrible is that? I was so stressed out from not having any sleep and had been more focused on holding him and patting his back to get him to sleep- I hadn't noticed if he was breathing funny.

Well, since he said that I noticed it big time. I got up to change his diaper and listened to him scream. (This kid HATES being naked, let's hope that continues until he gets married.) He sounded wheezy and stuffy. Great. My 2.5 week year old has a cold. NOT cool.

I call my mom crying. I cried? I know...crazy. Between the no sleep thing and the thought of having to take him to the doctor because he was sick already- I couldn't handle it. Him being sick so little is my biggest fear. My mom claims that newborns can't get sick....and dear Baby Gods I hope she is right.

I get off the phone with her, promising I'll call her when we wake up from our nap and just stare at him.

Then...he starts his sneezing fit. He has those. They are hilarious. He sneezes continuously...the most so far is five. Newborns sneezing = cute stuff.

Then it happens.

Canada comes out of his nose.

No lie.

And weird...he can breath again....and sleep. THANK GOD.

So now, I am still listening for his wheezy breaths, but so far nothing. I really hope it was just Canada that was blocking his breathing.

Yes friends. This is the second blog about gross baby stuff. Poop and now Canada? Welcome to my new life. :) I don't even care that some of you may be thinking, "Really Pam? This is what you blog about now?" Cause ya know what...my baby isn't sick!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

I could have blogged about what was on The View today. So consider yourself lucky? (By the way, Schmitt from New Gril was on. LOOOVE!)

Pinterest Find:

Since sitting beside Thane on the weekends doing nothing but holding Parker and watch TV is how we roll now....this is pretty perfect. :)

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