Sunday, January 20, 2013

Here He Comes! Ready or Not! Part 4.

 So we left off with me panicking because I was pretty positive they forgot about Thane...

Thankfully, my friend with the good drugs musta realized it because he was all like, "We can bring in dad now...." all like, um guys?
So they went and got my baby daddy and I could relax a bit. My friend with the drugs told Thane he could look anytime he wanted to....gross. He didn't.

I felt absolutely nothing during the entire process. Just a few tugs. The noises though? Oh the noises. Were horrible. The saw....that was the worst. and the sucking. *shudder*

I don't think I have ever held Thane's hand so tightly. Literally for dear life. I just needed Parker out..and safe. I needed to see him and know he was ok. Considering all I have worried about the entire pregnancy is that he will be totally ok (all fingers n toes etc)...I had to see him.
I will never forget the anesthesiologist talking us through it. "Ok, now you're going to feel pressure by your ribs. That is them pushing him down so they can get him out." Barely felt it. Thank sounded horrible.
Then it was, "OH!!! Here comes his butt!" yes, he was *that* excited...and yes he came out butt first. His butt was in my pelvis.

Then.....I heard him cry. So amazing. Soooooo life changing. 

At this point they took him to the warming station, and Thane got to go over. 

Another nurse came in to tell the anesthesiologist that he was needed in another room. He got super annoyed with her and pretty much said, "I'm busy..I'll be there when this is over." The nurse kinda stood there for a minute, and went..."ok.....I'll go prep it myself?" He then said, "Sounds good!" and turned away from her. If I could remember that man's name, I'd send him a thank you card.

So Thane was gone forever, and they started to stitch me up. No one was telling me anything about Parker except that he was healthy. So finally I was like, "Um...he's a boy right?'
Everyone stopped what they were doing, I hope, and busted up. A nurse came around the curtain and laughing told me that he was a boy. To which I said, "Thank god...we don't have a girl's name."

Finally my friend with the drugs whispered, "Here he comes." and my heart stopped. (figuratively not literally..that'd be a WHOLE nother blog post...)

Then Thane came back with him, his eyes totally wide and a big ole grin on his face. He moved so I could see our baby for the first time and he literally took my breath away.

 He was perfect. Totally perfect. Adorable. Mine. I cried....sooo much crying in such little time. :) 

They finally were done stitching up my layers, rolled me onto a different bed, and off we were to recovery. I asked what time it was, and it was like 8:30. Totally pumped, because then I could watch The View. The nurses thought that was funny too. 

We got to recovery, I'm gettin drugs and I look down to the foot of my bed and see my husband.

Head down, gigantic grin on his face, phone in hand, fingers flying. He was texting "everyone in his phone."

I love this man so much.

My favorite part of this room..the drugs button. God it was good.
Then, after almost 2 hours and missing The View, we were off to our room.
Room 592.
The room where Parker met all the important people in his life for the first time.
I don't even have a word for the support and love that we got from everyone. It is beyond there a word for that?
My friends are some of the most amazing people ever, and Parker is SO luck to have them as aunties. It's so awesome to see all of them with my little burrito. If you could ooze love...he'd have that goo all over him.
My family...he couldn't have been born into a more amazing group. They are all so excited about him. I can't wait for Easter so my cousins can meet him. :)

So that is pretty much it! Hope you enjoyed. It went a LOT smoother than I thought it would, that's for sure!! 
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