Tuesday, January 22, 2013

"No Thanks Mom...I'm More of an Ass Man..."

If you don't want to hear about boobs....stop reading now.

If you have a huge moral issue with breastfeeding...pick a new issue because really? Really?

If you feel that hearing someone talk about breastfeeding is TMI...then do NOT read this post. I have talked about it so many times to so many people I could care less if I share it with the whole FB world.

So because Parker was 5 weeks early, even though I wanted to feed him myself we had to supplement with a bottle to make sure he was getting enough food for his tiny body.

So first off, in my head this take a lot of stress off of me.

It is stressful to know that all your baby is getting the "fake" milk, and it could take days until they get the real goods. And while he waits he is super hungry.

In reality, mixing a bottle and a boob right from the start...noooot a good idea. The baby classes didn't lie.

Because he is so young, they said he will have problems latching on and I will have to be patient and wait for my milk to come in.

His first feeding went great. When I cried out in pain, the nurse smiled all evil like and said, "Oh good! That was easy." Ya, thanks for the false hope. It's anything but easy!

He only likes my boobs when he decides he wants to like them.

When he doesn't like them he lets me know in a few subtle ways. 
  1. He screams. Bloody murder. If he could talk I'm pretty sure he'd be saying, "Get that damn thing out of my face!!!! I just want that rubber nipple that isn't any work at all!!!! WAAAAA!!!!"
  2. Turns his head away, as if he can't even be bothered to look at my boob, with his mouth hanging open. When he does this, I can't help but laugh. Is he shunning my boob, or is he confused about what he needs to do? He's cute.
  3. Punches my boob. Not joking. He balls up his fist and swings. and I swear..sometimes he smiles.
When he thinks, "Hmm...I think I'll make mom feel good about herself." He literally latches on in less than 5 tries and rocks out.

My son is so stubborn, but I love him anyways. ;)

I fully understand that it is not easy for anyone to breastfeed, and in no way am I being all "woe is me," but it is frustrating. SO frustrating. I know that if it doesn't work, it doesn't work and he will be totally fine drinking formula. I am not hugely passionate either way, but I am going to keep trying. I don't like to give up on things.

I just think its funny how he reacts.

I'm sure he will enjoy reading this post when he is 8. Sorry buddy.

Ok, I need a nap.

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