Friday, January 10, 2014

Zero to One in 365 Days.

I want nothing more than to go to bed right now.

My mom's house is Pinterested up. It's perfect.

Everyone is in bed. I need sleep...but I want to write.

It's my last night with a baby. In a few short hours I will officially have a ...not infant? What do you call 1 yr olds? I don't think they are called toddlers yet. 

Who cares...Parker will be 1. ONE.

Where did the year go?

I didn't think I'd be emotional about it. "Pam is not emotional." -said no one ever.

This morning I took a picture with him because it was his last day of being 0. Then it hit me. It has been a YEAR.

So much has happened. I can't even begin to explain it all.

Such a tough and rewarding year. 

I will never forget the night, before Parker was diagnosed with Acid Reflux, when I went into Thane at 2am in tears. "I just need to sleep in our bed for 20 minutes. Just 20 minutes." I think I was going on a 9 day stretch of NOT sleeping anywhere near our bed. The chair was my friend in those days. I literally curled up across the bed and cried myself to sleep. 

Moms do that right? Don't act like you didn't.

Those first few weeks were hard. So hard. I'm sure they are for everyone, but man was I unprepared. Trying to recover from major surgery is pretty not easy. Getting up off the couch was horrible. Laying flat on my back in bed was unbearable and didn't happen. Trying to get up off the couch in time to get to a crying infant so your husband doesn't wake up...impossible. 

I am so thankful that I took 11 weeks off. In developmental terms, when I went back to work I had a 6 week old. If I had gone back to work after 8 weeks, I would have had a 2 week old at home. There is no way. Next round, I am for sure taking 11 weeks again.

I will never forget the day when he rolled over. He was on a picnic table at Anthony's graduation party. He was sick of being held, so I had a blanket out and laid him on it. He took that as his sign to get rolling...and he hasn't stopped moving yet. 

The day he walked behind his walker thing, my heart stopped. My baby was growing up. 

My nephew just turned 12. *12* Wow. I don't even want to think about Parker turning 12. 

I know people probably think I take an insane amount of pictures. I do. I'm ok with it. I need them to help me remember all the amazing things my son has done this year. There are too many to keep track of.  

With that being said, I hope you have all enjoyed watching Parker grow up. :) 

This time last year I was sleeping peacefully in my sleep not knowing that in 5 hours my water would break and my world would become even more amazing. 

8 hours and 44 minutes from now, last year, my son was born. 

Add what seems like 4 hours, but I'm sure it was only 5 minutes, to that- and that's the first time I held him. 

My baby is growing up. He amazes me every day. He is so much like me, but I really do think I lucked out and he got his dad's brains. Thank God. 

I do believe in love at first sight...

I'm lucky enough that it has happened to me twice in my lifetime. 

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