Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year...New Me.

Well...hellllllllllllllllllllllloooooo 2014. You sexy beast.

I honestly can't believe how fast 2013 went. I probably helps that I was sleep deprived and living the dream all at the same time. Life goes fast when you're havin fun people.

So much happened last year. (It's weird to say last year when that was...yesterday.) 

The biggest event...surprise surprise...was Parker being born. My God, talk about the most amazing event ever that came early. :) 

It still amazes me that even though he was 5 weeks early, man his timing was perfect. It made every event this year that much more enjoyable. I thank our lucky stars every day that he is ok, healthy, and that him coming early has not created any medical problems. We are blessed. 

I do not thank our stars for the fact that him coming early most likely means that any future siblings will also meet us early. That adds a whole new level of stress to being pregnant. 

A lot happened this past year. Not all of it good. Who ever has a perfect year?

A lot is happening this year!! Friends getting married, friends having babies. I can't wait. It truly is going to be an amazing year.

With that being said. We all know what people do on this day.

Make a vow to change themselves for the better. So here we go. If I share them...they will come true right? Right.

1.) Get back to a body that I can be happy with. 

I don't even want to commit to a number of pounds lost, or a size. I just want to be happy with how I look. I thought I was ok...until I saw some pictures. Ugh pictures. I hate not wanting to be in them. I LOVE pictures. I should love being in them. I shouldn't have to worry about my double chin ruining what could have been an amazing shot. I shouldn't have to worry about my belly looking fat...or my arms being too wide. No. I have control over that...I need to get it under control. 

There is another baby at some point in our future. This fact alone motivates me to get back into shape. I can NOT add more baby weight to what I have now. There would be no coming back for me after that. I know it. 

There is my baby now. I feel that if I lost some weight, I would have more energy for him. He deserves that. He deserves the best mom that I can be, and I will give him that.

So to get this ball rolling, I am doing the 24 day challenge with Advocare. My dear old friend Kyle talked me into it....and I'm excited. Even though I don't see him every day...I know he will kick my ass if I don't stick with it. ;) I have also talked a few people into doing 10 of those 24 days with me. I will need all the motivation and support I can get...I plan to blog about my journey, even if its just a quick blurb. I need to be accountable. MAKE ME BE ACCOUNTABLE!

2.) Be a better mom.

Parker deserves me at my best. I don't feel I always give that to him. Well, that changes today. The laundry can wait 10 more minutes if that means I can sit with him and watch the look on his face when he throws a block and it actually lands inside the container. He is so curious right now. I love seeing his reactions to things. I will not miss out on those things just because I think I need to be doing something else.

3.) Do 20 minutes of activity a day. Every day.

I own an elliptical machine for God's sakes. I CAN do that. 

4.) Blog more.

I was reading my pregnancy blogs and loved reliving that experience. This has motivated me to keep going with it. I am upset that I stopped blogging last year. So many great things happened. I have the WORST memory probably ever. Ask any of my friends...I am not a steel trap. Not even close. I need things like pictures and blogs to help me remember details. 

So that in a nutshell is going to be what shapes my year. and a few other things that are a little to personal to share with the entire world. Let's just me. 

I got this. 

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