Monday, January 20, 2014

20 Minutes down...

and I'm doing great!!!
I know I just started, but I seriously woke up this morning excited about the cleanse. I mean, seriously, give me a few days...but at this moment...I'm pumped.
I think it has to do with the fact that I took my measurements last night and weighed myself this morning and I am actually seeing improvement.
I am down 2 pounds in 2 weeks. Not the best, but a steady healthy rate so I will take it. I am down almost a 1/2 inch everywhere but my ass. Really? And my hips. I can't figure out where they hell they are apparently. So either I gained a few inches since my bridesmaid dress fitting, and the last time I took my measurements, or I have lost them.
So anyways, I was poking around on Pinterest last night. I thought I'd try something new for once. I searched for "Advocare" and got a lot of great hits! I love that this company has taken off in the past few years. When I signed up a few years ago, I don't think many people had heard of it. Now, everyone has a Pinterest board for it. Love. It makes things so much easier.
I found some interesting ways to cook veggies. I'm not a huge veggie person, but I am looking forward to these. I'm going to make Thane eat them, and I can't wait for P to try them.
I can't wait to go shopping!!! Most of the list is veggies and fruit...which is how it should be usually right?
I talked to Frannie about starting a monthly challenge and she told me her plan. (Hope you don't mind me sharing it love.) It just really makes sense. Focus on the cleanse, eating right. Then after the cleanse, keep eating the cleanse way. Now I don't plan on being as extreme as I hope to be these 10 days, but there is no reason NOT to keep eating more veggies than anything else on my plate. That is how it should be.
There is no reason I should be eating a full huge KJ meal every day of the week. I need to stick to just eating one meal there a week...because once a week there is something fantastic. Like this week...I am missing chicken alfredo . (Is that how you spell it?)  Sigh. BUT it will be back in 5 weeks and I will enjoy it then!
 So anyways. I'm pumped. I hope I can wake up every morning these next 10 days excited about eating tuna salad or chicken salad for lunch...and chicken for dinner. I should, I love chicken.
Happy MLK day people.

I'm off to make my Meal Replacement shake and maybe accidently wake up my baby who decided he wanted to sleep in super late today.

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