Sunday, January 19, 2014


Tomorrow starts the cleanse.

"Finally" as Frannie would say.

I am currently making a grocery list. When I say making a grocery list, I mean cruising on Pinterest thinking how bad I just want to go to sleep...but I know I have to make this damn list or I won't stick to it. So instead I blog.

I found a fantastic recipe for broccoli. Who doesnt' love broccoli!?


I plan on eating tuna salad! Who doesn't love tuna!?!?


Who is going to suck it up and eat tuna and broccoli?


Thane is going to take my fat pictures tonight before bed. I like those..they make me want to throw up. Throw up fat pictures = motivation to not give up.

Let me tell you, having a baby messes with your fat stomach. My new baby shelf? It should be illegal.

I'll probably post my fat pictures tomorrow....said no one ever.

I do plan to blog about my experience and my struggle, I mean about my ability to dominate the 10 day cleanse.

Yes. I will dominate it.

I will dominate it for my illegal baby shelf.

I will dominate it for the two weddings I'm is 6 months away!!!

I will dominate it to prove that I actually can.

I will dominate it because...damnit I want to.

Ok that's it.....I need to plan my life.