Tuesday, January 17, 2012

An Ode to My Friends...

So...this is awkward. I don't really know how to write an ode. Maybe I should have figured this out before I started typing. Sigh...hold on guys....

Woah woah...what!? Step 2 of an ode: "Write a 10-line stanza of iambic verse using an ababcdecde rhyme scheme." What does that even MEAN?!!?

Ok, new title. "Why My Friends Are the BEST."

So it is Katie's birthday today!!!!! She is one of my oldest friends. (In like years we've been friends...not like she is the oldest in her years alive..just wanted to clear that up.) We all ate at the Nitty Gritty to celebrate and get her some free birthday beer! Here is a fantastic picture of Katie and me....oh Halloween. Ohhh what a picture.....
bhahahahaha....what am I thinking!? Ya...that one is staying a small size. Ugg.

So anyways. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATIE!!!!!!

While leaving your party, I couldn't help but realize how lucky I am to have all my friends.

Thank you guys for putting up with me.

For all the direct sales parties I have....that you actually come to!? How lucky am I you guys love me?

For all those times that you're talking to me...and you can just tell I'm somewhere else (like looking at clouds perhaps?)

For those times you have to tell me things at least 30 times before I actually comprehend them. (I'm pretty sure I have an undiagnosed case of ADD).

For all those times you have had to deal with my dog eating pancakes or other food..right out of your hand.

For all those times I fill silence with stupid stories...like really stupid stories. Sometimes even I'm like "Wow..Pam. Can you just shut your mouth? Even your brain is bored with you...."

For all those times that I say something so stupid...or don't realize something so obvious right away.

Thank you for putting up with me <3.

Also- thank you for pointing out my apparently thick accent. How would I ever get through my day if I didn't know that I can't say the words "boat, coat, goat, Captian and Coke" around any of you without knowing that someone is snickering at me ;)

So basically. Thanks for being my friend guys....I know I can be a handful sometimes!


Pinterest find for today: I did a real quick skim and found this:

and I laughed because seriously? How cute. So then I did a search for this one:

Man that baby is cute!!!!

So that is all for today folks!

Peace out.

Workout: 35 min on the treadmill. It was really hard to get back in the gym after 3 days off...but I did. I forced myself to stay on for that long. Hopefully tomorrow is better:)


  1. Thanks Pam! I am happy to say that after all these years you are still one of my best friends. And, I love the picture!

  2. I agree Katie :) and I saw that picture and just KNEW I had to blog it :) Hope you had a great birthday!!
