Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sooooooo Tell Me What You Want!

So I was just eating my dinner, a bowl of Fruity Pebbles..the best cereal ever made, and I instantly thought about the time in middle school when we all thought it would be sweet if we made emails that were named after our fav. cereal. Mine was fruitypebbles84@something..probably Hotmail bc that was beyond cool at the time. Really? How lame were we? Literally thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. So thinking about that makes me think about all the other dumb shit we did...

Like the time I bought Spice World the movie and it made me love them even more. I talked my friends into signing our notes by our new "Pen Names" which were of course the Spice Girl names. I know Andrea was Baby Spice and I have NO idea who I was. Sad life. I am thinking I was Sporty Spice? Ugg..help guys!!

We also went though a phase where we were too cool for names. We were like Prince and only had a symbol. In reality this is a fantastic idea bc if we accidentally dropped a note that was super private (ie had the name of the boy we liked that day in it) no one would know who wrote it bc it was only signed with a symbol. Guinness. I am pretty sure I was a peace sign. I was a major hippie wannabe back in the day. Someone else was a ying yang, maybe a heart? I don't remember the rest.

To go along with the "just in case you drop it" idea...we also had code names for the boys we liked. We were so inventive..its a wonder I barely passed math class! This paragraph would be a lot better if I remembered who we named them after? I wish someone was on FB so I could ask them right now. I wanna say Backstreet Boys? Don't quote me on that though...

A friend of mine posted on FB the other day all her notes she saved from HS. I have also saved them..they could actually be blog topics! I could blog for over a year and probably never talk about the same thing...I mean person. I'm sure every topic would include how cute someone was.  :) My friend Katie and I would have competitions on who could write the longer note. Everything was fair game...magazine ads, random quotes from teachers, "MOoOO"!! Seriously had a note that was 20 pages once. I still have it. My children will be impressed.

Have you ever played the "Moo" game? God it is horrible. Katie and I used to play it on the way to volleyball games. When you see a cow you have to be the first to yell out "MOOOO!!!!" first to get points. I mean yell. Loud. I'd like to point out that we live in Wisconsin...and went to a D3 school. There were a lot of cows on the way to volleyball games. I coached two seasons of volleyball and if my middle schoolers had done that I probably would have benched them.

So anyways, I'm going to go make my lunch for tomorrow. A bowl of Fruity Pebbles. We have to go to the park and I swear if I have to eat one more brat from work I will vomit over all my kids. I can't stomach brats right now...I think I overloaded on them at the start of summer. Barf.

Peace out!

<3 Pam

PS..If you didn't know the title is a reference to the best Spice Girl song EVER.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha! Love this post. My sign was a ying yang for sure! And, I don't remember what spice girl I was either :) The only guy name I remember was Mr Duck...Oh man. Good times!
