Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Dr Seuss.....sucks.

Ugh. Ok no he doesn't. The more I Pinterest him, the more I am reminded how many books of his I actually like. 

The Thinks You Can Think is not one of them. 

It is Thane's turn to give P his bedtime bottle and read to him...so of course I pick the worst book ever. The Thinks You Can Think.

I giggled listening to Thane try to read the words...and his response after he finished? "Our kids going to stutter because of that book."

Don't get me wrong..there are a lot of his books that I do enjoy. Just no that one. At all. 

Anyways, I finally got my ass back in the gym this week. 

2 weeks ago I got sick. Big time sick with a terrible cold. I couldn't do anything on my break but nap. I'm pretty sure I was too sick for 2 weeks to do anything. Well...like a week and a half, the last few days was because I had to do stuff for our big Valentine's Day dinner. :)

I feel like crap. I've gained two pounds I feel like I've gained 20. My clothes fit tight again. I feel gross. 

I'm sure 2 pounds didn't make my pants fit tighter...maybe it did though. 

Mentally though, I do not feel good about myself. 

So I'm back in the gym and I will be going back tomorrow. (or I may work out in the morning) Either way...something fantastic happened on Scandal and I NEED to see the next episode!

We have joined the Biggest Loser Bootcamp at work. A bunch of us have signed up to do workouts and eat the menus that some guy from the Biggest Loser has planned out for us. I'm excited about it. I need something to focus on again like when I was on the cleanse. 

Speaking of working out...a great trainer is having an Open House on Saturday!! He can train you and help you achieve your fitness goals. I have heard nothing but great things about Corey...and I will be going on Saturday to see his new place! I know it will be successful!

Here is his Facebook page! 
Digman Fitness

His open house is from 12-3 on Sautrday at Black Belt America on the West Side. I'll be there...you should go too!! You won't be disappointed! 

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