Sunday, November 18, 2012


Holy Weekend Batman.

I can't believe the things we got done this weekend, but let me share because I'm pretty stoked about it.

Friday we celebrated Thane's birthday again. I won't get into it, but he had a rough birthday. I really really hope its not an indication of how his year will be going. Nothing went right.

Saturday was my work baby shower and it was great. So many people came out and were beyond generous with their gifts. My friends who threw the shower had the book thing goin on (bring a book instead of a card), so B Sutts has officially gotten his library started. :) Thank you everyone for the great gifts and for just coming to hang out outside of work! :)

Then my mom and I went shopping. Talk about intense.

We got the fabric for the curtains, the crib, and a gift from my mom. We were all over Madison..and then stopped at Red Robin. YUUUUMMMM!!!!!

How did Thane spend his Saturday? Doing some sidework, and painting a dresser white. Fun day for him. :)

Today...we were both nonstop doing stuff.

My house has been a disaster. Beyond disaster. I can't stand it anymore.

So I got shit done.

I took down all the Halloween decorations, got a bunch of stuff done on the computer, cleaned up our house in general, cooked dinner, made the floor in the baby room visible again, and did laundry. Oiy.

Thane painted the last dresser he will ever have ot do Chevron on. He was pretty happy when done.

Oh! and I put up the Christmas lights outside too! Well, most of them. I ran out of the clips I off to Target tomorrow to get more. Thank goodness it's going to be nice all week. It was amazing out today!

So I got my goals done today. So now I need some for this weekend.

Well first, shopping.

That is a must. Black Friday...I will own you.

Then I want to make a book of all the cards from my friend shower. I did it with our Christmas cards from last I think I shall do that with a lot of cards I get from now on.

Next- get a Christmas tree and decorate it!!!! annnd the house. I LOVE Christmas. It makes me happy that Thanksgiving is so early this year, because it means that many more days of the Christmas season. :)

I should probably finish the lights outside too huh?

Oiy...I'm tired just thinking about all this, but if at the end of the weekend my house is decorated for Christmas...well then being tired is TOTALLY worth it. :)

I should check out my Pinterest board to see what I want to make for decorations this year. :)

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