Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I Have NO Hope for Wisconsin...

when it really does snow.

(You thought I was going the political route didn't you? HA! Nope..)

It snowed today, I thought I'd tell you in case you live in a cave or a basement and have no access to FB.

Did it stick? No.

Were the roads wet? Sure.

Was it freezing out? NO.

Did people still only drive 40mph? YES?!?!!?


It literally never fails on PD. I may have even blogged about it before. Someone always drives 45...it drives me up the wall.

Today though...there were TWO.

I may have tailgated one, without realizing it,....and they may have pulled over? or they turned into a driveway. I have a table in the back of my car...I couldn't tell. Whatever...I was in hurry. Get out of my way.

This incident has left my utterly hopeless for winter.

I can't imagine the stupid people I will have to drive behind, and what my 20 minute commute will turn into.


I voted today.

I may have well not have. Thane and I cancel each other out. ;)

I was voter 1,697.

I am really pissed I wasn't 1,700.

I bet that person got a special prize. Maybe even chocolate? or balloons?


I was so close...and yet I fail again.

Hope you voted.

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