Sunday, September 16, 2012

What's In a Name?

A lot.

It's huge to name your kid. HUGE.

Yes, Apple or Blueberry are cute when they are babies, but when they grow up?

"Blueberry? I need you to sign this legal document so that we can put this guy away for life." I don't think she would cut it in the legal world.

I want B Sutts to have a strong name. A name you don't hear often, but not an out there name like "B Money" or anything. A name that has a cool meaning.

I want too many things...but we have to be picky! Our kid will have this name FOR-EV-ER. ;)

We have decided to go into the hospital with 2 boy names and 2 girl names that we love, and decide then.

Yes, we are finding out..but you know..there are always surprises.

We are set on boy's names, its the girl ones that are throwing us off. Those baby books really don't help much either. There are so many ethnic names, which I suppose is good for some Not so much. We will not be naming our baby Thorabelle. I didn't like the movie Thor THAT much. (Sorry if that name is on your baby name list....awkward..)

While it may seem like I am freaking out, I'm not. I promise. We still have a LOOONG time to figure it out...and obviously we will. It just boggles my mind how hard it is!

I am thinking about doing a give-away soon. A REAL give-away. For real stuff!!! WOOO!!!! Stay tuned. ;) I think I'll post about it tomorrow...

Pinterest Find:

I died. This is hilarious.

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