Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Go the F*ck to Sleep

I have no idea what to write tonight. I know what I really want to write about..but its a surprise and that person may read this post. Sigh. So, I googled "blog ideas." Lame? Maybe. 

Idea 1: "Write about the story you want to write."

Goods. I would love to write a children's book. Problem? I can't draw..and I probably don't have many good ideas. I have thought about this a lot actually and decided it would be great to write a series about the life of my dog, Bernie. If you know Bernie..you understand why this would be a good series. He has gotten stitches, been shot, eats cow poop, drinks beer....ok wait. Maybe not a good children's series? I could children it up a bit. Speaking of that! have you heard about the book "Go the Fuck to Sleep?" It is a adult book written like a children's book. Matt Lauer on the Today show interviewed the writer...and this may be my new book for preggo friends. Want a quote? Ok. 

"The cats nestle close to their kittens. The lambs have laid down with their sheep. You're cozy and warm in your bed my dear. Please go the fuck to sleep."

How is that not awesome?! hahaaha..I'm giggling. Here's a link to the amazon site.

Matt's concern was that this book would fall into the hands of a kid...like into their backpack and they would take it to school. Dear people..parent your children. Funny book...buy it. Don't let you kids read it though..or they may start saying "fuck" around grandma. 

Idea 2: Interview someone.

Ok, let me google interview questions...wait! I'm going to use the "How well do you know your groom?" book that my sister got me! Oh this will be fun. I'll ask Thane the bride ones..hee hee. He won't know what I'm doing and I'll BLOG it!!

Ok. Question 1: Name the food your bride would never want to give up. 
        My Answer: Pasta
        Thane's Answer: Spaghetti.

Question 2: What country does your bride most want to visit?
          My Answer: Ireland
          Thane's Answer: Ireland. (He rocks so far!!)

Question 3:  Name 4 things I never leave home without.
         My Answer: Phone, Wallet, Planner, Book
         Thane's Answer: Phone, Wedding Band, Clutch (wallet same thing),  Contacts    
          (really Thane?)  um...I probably should have put wedding band ehh?? opps. 

Question 4: If you are buy your bride clothes, what color should you never ever choose?
         My Answer: White...eww. Don't ever buy me clothes Thane...a gift card will do :)
         Thane's Answer: Orange.

Question 5: Who is the person she has been friends with longest?
        My Answer: Dra!!
        Thane's Answer: Andrea

Ok...well that wasn't as fun as I thought. That book was kinda lame. Sorry you had to sit through that :)

Feel free to buy me that book when we have a kid. I'd laugh so hard opening that in front of my mom. In front of Thane's mom, no...but I'd get over it. 

Over and out. Night all 

<3 Pam.


  1. Forget the book “Go the F**k to Sleep”, a pathetic, soul-less, allegedly rebel, ‘children’s book’. Don’t waste your hard-earned money, instead read a BANNED book like “America Deceived II” by a real rebel and the “World’s Most Hated Author”, E.A. Blayre III.
    Last link (before Google Books bans it also]: iuniverse.com/Bookstore/BookDetail.aspx?BookId=SKU-000190526

  2. It is killing me that you are "anonymous." Ugg. I'll check that book out though..
