Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Don't Let a House Fall on You!

Ok first off. Driving home was so distracting! Did you see the clouds this afternoon?! ;) For real though..there was one that looked like the baby mammoth in Ice Age..and after a few moments he evolved into an elephant! I wish I had time to just sit outside and watch the clouds on a day like today. It was just windy enough that they were constantly changing. :)

The thunder is starting...here comes the tornado! (I JUST FOUND A BUD LITE LIME!!! YEESSS!!!) Anyways..I am so glad I am at home and not at work. Do you know how horrible it is to have to cram as many kids as possible in a bathroom? I'd like to point out that they are the very bathrooms where I once slipped in a ginormous puddle of pee and FELL in it. These are the bathrooms that a quick "seat check" before you sit down are a necessity if you don't want a wet butt. Do you guys understand now? :) Oh wait..and I also get way too stressed about their safety.

Besides the fact that I would almost rather be anywhere during a tornado than at work bc of the bathroom situation.I would also worry about Bernie! We leave the basement door open now so I would hope Bernie Boo would be smart enough to head to the basement when the sirens went off, but we all know how crazy dogs can be. He would probably be staring out our patio window watching the twister head right at our house being like "OHHH!!!! What's that!? Can I carry it around in my mouth?!" or he would think it was going to take him for a walk or something. Ugg...he can open a cabinet with his paws and nose, but he isn't smart enough to go to the basement when a tornado is coming. Sigh...he will never learn.

So as I am thinking about how much tornadoes freak me out..I am wondering if I would rather have a tornado in the area or a fire close enough that I have to evacuate the building I am in. For those of you who don't know...I have a severe fire phobia. To the point that I am slightly crazy about it. I told my kids at work the other day that I have a phobia about it so they have to line up **RIGHT AWAY** when the alarm goes off bc I freak out. So alarm goes off...they line up perfectly and I am still freaking out inside bc we have to get out!!! On the other hand..tornadoes are pretty bad ass too. This will be my next question on the week...excited I am planning ahead!

Hmm..I think that is it for the day.I have to go finish stuff for work and pack for Star Spangled!!!!!!!

Peace out Homefries! Thanks for reading :)


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