Thursday, March 28, 2013

Well You Were All Right...

Remember weeks ago how I was trying to find a way to get Parker to sleep in his bassinet and not on my chest?

You all warned me to eat it up while I could...because when he was finally doing it I would miss out time together.

Well, it happened last night.

It was only like 8:45 and I put him down in his crib, still awake, so I knew that he'd start crying in like 5 minutes. So I went and did something quick. 5 minutes passed and nothing. So I went to check on him...

He was sleeping.

For this first time in his life, he has "self-soothed" himself to sleep.

I would have thought I would be jumping for joy....yet there I was. Standing there staring at him with a look of shock and disappointment on my face. It was only 8:50..I wanted to cuddle for a bit!

It took everything in me not to pick him up and go cuddle.

So there you go guys. All of you were right. While I do enjoy my 5+ hours of sleep...I am already missing those long nights of him sleeping on me. :/

My baby is growing up.



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