Monday, March 4, 2013

Back At It!

I got on the elliptical today!! 20 minutes- not much, but it's a start. Not to mention that I totally hate my elliptical, and all ellipticals for that matter, so I think 20 minutes is pretty good.

I was reminded that I have this little event in May, called a wedding, that I have to stand in front of a lot of people in a long dress. Long dress=only skin showing is back and arms. My fatty fat arms. SO after that, I decided today I should lift some weights too.

Thank god for this wedding! It is giving me to motivation to workout and lift. (I don't want to ruin Carla's pictures!) I rejoined Weight Watchers on Thursday. It was a great meeting, and I left totally pumped up to be back in the program. It really is the only thing that helps me be accountable for what I eat. It also helps big time that almost all my favorite people are in WW too, it helps when the people you spend the most time with have to be aware of what they shove in their face too. :) 

Best part, Parker let me do cardio, lift, AND shower. Whaaaat??

On the baby front: He was awake today from 10:30 til like 1:30. We are making progress. Let's hope this means he will fall asleep much sooner tonight and not kill me with the fussy time. UGH. It's killing me. Last night, he started earlier and ended earlier...but total time was longer. He doesn't scream the whole time- thank god- but if you even think about putting him down his eyes fly open and let the screaming begin.

I love the 5 Ss guy. If I could meet him, I would kiss him. Swaddling and shhhing work wonders on my bundle of screaming joy. ;)

Best part of fussy time: the reminder that we are not ready for another baby. Not for a looong time.  Either it's Parker's way of telling us that he wants to be the only child for a while, or its nature's own form of birth control. Either way....there is always a plus side to everything. Even fussy time.


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