Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Thank You Jason Aldean

My head is foggy..I'm sick. Don't mind my rambling...just go with it. I have a lot of thoughts, but I'm talking like Yoda today so who knows how this will turn out...

I have Jason Aldean's new cd and I've had a chance to listen to one song. The one with Eric Church and Luke Bryan...weird how I skipped ahead so I could hear that one.

I'm in love.

It is SUCH a good song.

I reminds me a lot of Thane and his work ethic.Which is something I really admire about him. This man works to the point where it pisses me off sometimes. That's another blog post though. ;)

Now that I am thinking about it, all of our guy friends have the same work ethic. Work your ass off if someone needs help, do the job til it's done. There is something to be said for kids being raised on the farm or in a small town. :) It's a whole different world.

I know I blog about this kid that is the size of a spaghetti squash a lot..sorry.

Every day I get more confident that Thane and I can raise him to be a decent, polite, not annoying  human being.

Why was I not confident?

I work with kids....all day...every day...I see a lot. a LOT. *shudder*

I was starting to worry that what I see is just how kids are.

This song is all about hardworking people...well men..but it works for people in general.

There are so many good parts to this song, but I think the one that really stands out is "you don't get nothing that you don't earn."

I will not sit here and pretend I don't like when people are awesome and give me things...who doesn't? But I really feel like a lot of kids today are just given anything they want...to the extreme.

I am not talking material goods, that is another topic.

 But...come on. I have 6 year olds who can't put on their own coat. What?? On the flip side, I just witnessed a 3 yr old completely dress herself after swim lessons. I literally turned around to help another kid, who couldn't even figure out how put their legs in their pant and then turned back and she had dressed within 2 minutes.

That is amazing. I was SO impressed. Her parents are clearly doing something right with her.

I love independent kids.

The song talks about sticking with a job until it is done. That is one thing I stand by. If you start something...finish it damnit. You never quit a sport half-way through the season. You never quit a job after a month. You never stop eating that cake until its gone!

This song just given me a little bit more hope that in the fact that we can raise a hard-working, independent boy in today's society.

So for that....I thank you Mr Aldean.

Go buy his CD. It's pretty amazing.

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