Monday, October 15, 2012

I'm Just a Touch on the Slow Side...

I was talking to Andrew today, my coworker, about how the baby is doing. He was sweet enough to ask :)

I told him so far so good!! He weighed 12 ounces at our 20 week...just 2 oz over what my app said he should weigh.

Then I got thinking out come out weighing between 6 to 10 pounds.

Holy shit.

I'm going to get huge.

Huge you guys.

What if I have a 10 pound baby!? Oh man...

I also realized how big the babies head is the other night.

I was trying to talk Thane into getting me something, because I was too lazy to get up. The typical.."buuuut I'm pregnant" wasn't working so I threw in a visual.

I made a circle with my hands and said "LOOK! THIS is how big your baby's head is. Go get me a water."

He just grinned at me and said..."Don't forget about the shoulders babe!!"


I totally forgot about the shoulders!

Oh man....shoulders.

On a brighter note: I can feel B Sutts kicking/punching me now! He apparently sleeps after 10am..but is wide awake on my drive to work. :)

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