Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Do Spiders Do IT?

So before I start, I wanted to let you all know that I am breaking a promise I made to all of you.

This blog may contain a few mentions of this little human that is currently the size of an apple.

 I know that I said I wouldn't blog about B Sutts for a few blogs, but screw that.

I'm not saying my ENTIRE blog will become about how I am feeling that day or how exhausted I am, or how the pinched nerve in my leg is KILLING me. No, it will NOT be that, but damnit.. if I want to talk about my apple I will. It's my blog.

If you are annoyed by that, and you have every right to be because I'm sure what I have to say isn't as important to anyone else as it is to me, then I'm sad to say goodbye to you...if you so choose. Thank you for following me though. I do appreciate that people actually read the random thoughts I have. :)

 New chapter of my life though...new exciting things happening...new exciting blog posts to follow. Because I am back people..I'm BACK! I love blogging again. It gives me an excuse to NOT do other stuff.

So anyways...on to today's post.

As I was cleaning out the nursery closet yesterday I had a few trips to the basement. Ugh. It is SO gross down there. SO gross. So many SPIDERS. (Sorry Katie.)

There are two spiders at the bottom of the stairs. They just hang out. I don't think they moved in the 12 trips I took. I got wondering...they have got to be bored. No one can just sit somewhere for over 20 minutes and not get bored.

I am wondering if after they figured I was done one turned to the other and was all like, "Sooooo....I'm bored. You wanna?" and then I bet the other one just shrugged and went, "Mehh, might as well I guess. I'm bored too."

Anyways, I know that I HAVE to clean it and soon. I can't stand it.

So, I called my mom.

If you don't know my mom, she is the MOST organized, clean freak (and I say that with love) person I know. She actually came over last night and got giddy at the thought of cleaning and organizing my basement. I think she clapped a bit. :)

We have HUGE plans.

Since we will no longer have a guest room, I want to do something down there for people if they stay over. Mom and I have it all planned out. When we are done, there will be a bedroom, an office, a living room, and a bar area. All in our unfinished basement.

Not the best, but you know what? You work with what you got.

So I just googled spider sex...and some creepy shit comes up. Note to self: Don't ever google anything sex unless you are prepared.

So I switched it to just images..and believe it or not, way less creepy...minus picture #6. Who even thinks of that shit... Anyways, spiders are creepy shit.

So here's a picture. I guess they do do IT?

Gross. (Sorry Katie if you're still reading this...)

So that's all for today. Welcome back to the randomness that is my head!!!

Pinterest Find:



  1. I was not prepared for the picture! Ugh...spiders suck.
