Saturday, March 29, 2014

Tape Measures Don't Lie.

No. and you can only pull them so tight to get to the next inch mark.

Trust me...I just tried. 

Apparently taking 2+ weeks off at the gym doesn't help you lose any inches?

huh...good to know.

Parker and I just went to grandma's today to get a jogging stroller. Since it's going to be 60 tomorrow, I wanted to take it for a spin.

On the way home we saw SO many people running. Apparently its a good day to run. A fantastic lady, a super motivated lady..we shall call her Tonya to keep her identity private...just ran 8.5 miles this morning. 

Maybe since I just got a *jogging* stroller I should join them?

It took me a while to talk myself into it. We got home, P napped and I watched a little TV. P woke up and we played a little bit...and I was restless. It is such a beautiful day and we were wasting it. 

So I got us ready to go.

 Have you ever tried to get ready for a run with a 1 year old knowing you have to leave a 110 pound dog who loves to eat everything behind? 

Here is how it goes: Throw on some running pants. Grab Parker from eating something out of my jewelry armoire. Grab a sports bra. Redirect Parker away from the toilet. Find a tank top. Move a glass of water before P tips it over. Throw on a long sleeve. Catch Thane's alarm clock before it hits the ground. Put on a sweatshirt. Run to grab everything that Parker needs to wear. Wrangle him so I can put his shoes on. ( I literally had to hold him down with my leg while trying to get his shoes on...while he was wiggling and screaming and kicking..and laughing?) Put his coat on while he was digging in a bathroom drawer. Put his hat on. Go move the garbage cans into the bathroom so Bernie wouldn't eat the contents. Quick scan of the kitchen. Opps..Parker's cookies are still out. Put cookies away. Go back. Get Parker. Put his hat on again. Go to the garage. Unfold stroller. Put Parker in. Try to strap him in while trying to not let him play with the knobs on the gas grill. Put down garage door..good to go.

Easy peasey! . 

Did I mention that Frannie and I are doing a 5k? ya. She pinned Couch to 5K, so I'm assuming she is doing it...and I decided I'm going to join her. 

Now you have to.

So I did the couch to 5k tonight. Does anyone do it? I can't figure out how to time it without having to stop and restart the alarm on my phone. I would love some tips. 

I really wish my subdivision, or the entire town of MH for that matter, wasn't total hills. I of course had to run my minute on a huge hill...and wasn't able to recover. I stood in my driveway after, took a snap chat, opened the garage door, and decide to go walk it out. My heart was going to explode. So we walked it out...and I ran again. Go me!

So here is a stat check since the 1st of the year.
* "Bust" -3
* Under boob area -2.5
* Waist -3.5
* Belly Button -2.5
* Hips -3.5
*Butt -1.5
*Thigh -1.5

Not the best numbers...but at least I have lost in all the areas? I guess. At least it's motivation to work harder this month! 

Thanks to Lauren I have found a sweet new app. It builds workouts for you, like weight lifting. Thanks to her and this app I no longer have no excuse not to lift.

Motivation? Found it. 

This isn't what I did today, but I like it.

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