Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Those are my new initials. 

Pamela Passive Aggressive Sutter.

Has a nice ring to it. 

The locker room makes me so annoyed some days. (I'm sure you have noticed if you read my blogs.) People are so rude. 

Today I come out of the shower, turn the corner where my locker is, and see a woman standing next to the bench. Still wearing her coat, head bent over her phone, fingers flying.

....3 bags set out ALL over the bench.

THREE bags. 

Come on. I am a self proclaimed bag lady. I have a lot of them. But THREE to go work out? 

Come on lady...figure your packing out. What do you even have in there!? 

So anyways, rush to my locker (trying to not be late back to work) and open my door. 

A normal person would have been like "Oh! Here..." and moved her stuff down just a bit so I could have room for my bag. 

Nope..not her. 

So I decided to go dry my hair quick. Maybe she would would finish up whatever super important thing she was doing on her phone. So important she had to lose common courtesy to do, and move her crap. 

Nope. Hair dried...she is still standing her coat....staring at her phone. 


I need to put my bag on the bench. Call me weird. Call me OCD. It's part of my routine. It makes it way easier to throw things in my bag. 

I opened my locker, grab my bag......................................and now she is sitting on the bench. 

At least she took her coat off?

So I stand there for a second and take in my situation. was a situation. She is now taking up a total of 3/4 of the bench with her ass and all her bags. So what do I do? Toss my bag on the ground, making sure it made a noise, and carry on. 

This women has thrown off my routine. I go to throw my deodorant in my bag...and I miss. Ugh. If it had been on the bench I would have made it. 7 seconds lost picking it up. *7*

She finally puts 2 of her bags in the locker and chance!! 

I grabbed my bag off the floor and put it on the bench right next to me. I get ready faster this way. )and notice I said right next to me? Even though this woman was super rude and spread her stuff out all over, I still have enough sense to just take up the very very end of the bench...just enough room for my beloved bag. )

So what's she do? She comes back and sits down...3 inches from my bag. Maybe less. I'm pretty sure she touched my bag. Really? Don't touch my bag Rude Lady. Then she makes a big show about having to throw something in her locker and it took soooo much effort bc my bag was now in her way. So sorry your Jesus flip flops almost didn't make it in your locker. 

They aren't the American flag...they can touch the ground. 

Now that I am blogging about it...I realize I didn't do enough. I should have moved my bag down farther while she was gone. Damn. 

Am I overreacting?

Mehh...welcome to my mind. 

Fun Parker facts of the week: 

  1. While playing with cars he makes car noises. It's adorable and amazing. 
  2. He is starting to climb on things. ie. the coffee table and into the bathtub...

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