Thursday, February 2, 2012

One Minute...

I'm stealing this from another blog I read...well the title at least. Her blog was about how long her son could spin a bball on his finger. 

Mine is about things you can do in 1 minute. Most of these things I am just guessing you can do in a minute. I don't really time myself. Feel free to add some!

In one minute you can.....

1.) Shotgun a beer. 
2.) Eat a cookie...or 3? 5 if they are Oreos.
3.) Take a shot. (sensing a theme?)
4.) Wash 5 coffee cups.
5.) Check for Facebook updates on your phone.
6.) Defriend 10 people you don't even know on Facebook.
7.) Text 3 people. Using real words..not text language.  ok wait....text 1 person 7 words if you are over the age of 45.
8.) Make out. (if you are married. Otherwise this would take much longer.)
9.) Pick up 3 days worth of dog poop.
10.) "Glance" at Pinterest. Ha.
11.) 500 pushups. What? You can't?

Man...I love Skinny Cow. Ummm soooo good. (I just got ADD and I'm done with that list.) I just bought their mint sandwich things. Omg dude. Beyond good. just sayin. Go spend the $5 and get them. 

Pinterest find of today:

Sad, but true. 

Peace out. Have volleyball when all I wanna do is go to sleep...

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