Monday, September 28, 2015

Worry Wart

It hit me this morning. 

I woke up at 6, 15 minutes early, and the first thought I had was "Something is wrong."

I thought about it for a minute and realized I hadn't felt Baby J much yesterday. The nurses always ask about kick counts. I fib and tell them I do them. 

I don't. I know he moves. He moves enough for me not to worry about it and keep track. Well at 6 am this morning I was really pissed at myself that I don't keep such counts. I tried to create a bit of an earthquake for him...which is super uncomfortable for me. Knowing there was NO way I was going to get back to sleep I decided to get up and get ready. I would have time to lay on my side then and get him to move. 

I get back to bed...lay on my side...poke the belly a bit. Nothing. I roll over, which took like a whole minute to make happen. Maybe something?

Seriously? I know it's early buddy but come on. Wake up. 

I was thinking about his most active times. They are about 10:30pm and Weird how I miss those kicks. Is it possible to sleep train your kid while in the womb? Cause....ugh. 

So I google "How to get kick counts at 36 weeks." That was stupid. The 3rd article down is titled..."How kick counts saved my baby's life." Ya, I didn't read that one. 

After about 20 minutes I had felt slight movements, and I had to get up. I was debating the doctor. I knew Frannie would tell me to call to get peace of mind. The rational Pam was are over reacting..he is fine. 

Right before I got up, he gave me one decent jab. I was kinda satisfied.

I get to work sit down.....BAM. He's awake. Since then I have gotten more kicks than I need to count. 

Now rational Pam can come back. I was moving non stop yesterday. When I was pregnant with P and the art teacher, I barely felt him move because he was probably always sleeping. 

Now with a desk job....I feel Baby J move a lot.

Luckily, Thane keeps me rational. I ask him almost daily if Baby J is ok. He assures me he is. He hasn't been wrong about anything like this's best just to believe him :) 

So lesson learned. Pay more attention to his kicks. 

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