Saturday, September 19, 2015

Big Day Yesterday!

I have been so on edge about Baby J coming early literally since I found out I was knocked up. So when I realized that if he was like his big brother, he would arrive Friday about anxiety. 

The only thing getting me through said anxiety this whole pregnancy has been my P-17 shots. Obviously they are not guaranteed to work but whenever I would start to worry I had that in the back of my mind to calm me down. 

Some kids never live down there birth stories because they caused their mom so much pain. My kid will not live down coming before 36 weeks because of these awesome shots I am getting. 

I know I have blogged about them before and how painful they are. Thankfully the nurses were right, the pain does stop..but the welts? Oh the welts are SO itchy. I feel like Bernie itching his ears when I have to itch them. Luckily when I have to itch them at work, I work with like 50 women so I don't care. I don't care that they see scratching at my pants with a pained annoyed look on my face. Cause lets be real...while I am itching it fucking hurts the welt. But it hurts so good because the itch is way worse than the hurt. But the hurt..ya it makes itself known. 

Throw in the 5 men that I work's a little awkward explaining that one to them. So now, if they catch me itching...I just act like its normal and keep talking. I don't mind being that awkward person. I have no shame at this point.

I only have 1 more shot to get and then Baby J is on his own.

He has turned. Which would explain why I thought I was starting labor on Sunday. I knew I'd feel when he turned because I'm pretty sure at this point he will be a 12 pound baby and I feel every single little jab he makes. They all pretty much take my breath away or make me bend over a little bit...which talk about awkward. Try giving a tour to a total stranger and all of a sudden your body jerks as a result of your child telling you to start moving so he can fall back asleep.

I don't think its as bad as the poor mom I was giving a tour to who almost lost her breakfast thanks to morning sickness. You couldn't tell she was pregnant, but no one burps that many times, looks like she hates her life, and uses the counter to hold herself up unless they are. Poor lady. My tour changed real fast. It included water and a chair...close to the bathroom. 

Anyway. Yesterday. Yesterday marked the longest I have been pregnant. 

When I realized on Thursday what Friday was...I text Thane. His response, "Ya...I knew that one. I wasn't going to tell you."

Now that is true love.Don't give your wife any more anxiety than she already has...let her figure it out on her own.

I went into hyper mode of Thursday just in case I wasn't there the next day. Made sure to get the most annoying of my weekly tasks done so someone else didn't have to worry about it. I was on edge all day, paying way to close attention to how my body felt. "Oh that a contraction or am I just gassy?" 

It was even worse on Friday. Finally my boss asked me, "Are you planning on having your baby this weekend?" 

I had my baby shower with my coworkers Thursday night and that took my mind off of it...because it was AWESOME. Frannie did a great job of organizing it and I couldn't be more thankful!!

Going to bed that night was not fun. With Parker I woke up at 4am with a broken water main and had to get to the hospital without a single bag packed....or my camera. You are my Facebook friend. You understand how bad that is. This time, I went through my checklist in my head of what I can finish packing...annd nothing. The rest of it has to be as we are walking out the door. So annoying. 

I did wake up once to go to the bathroom and smiled because it was like 430 far so good. I thought about waking Thane up just to mess with him. He later informed me that it would not have been as funny as I thought it was.  

Whatever. I'm hilarious. 

So needless to say, I woke up Friday morning feeling pretty proud of myself and Baby J for being able to keep our shit in order one more day. We rock buddy.

Annnd then I felt awful at work all day. Ever have those days when you just feel SO pregnant everything you do hurts or is a huge ordeal? Ya, that was my Friday. I made it. Barely..but I made it. 

Because things literally fly out of my hands on their own now...I wait until the pile of random pens and paper clips on the floor by my desk is big enough and then I pick them up. Or I make someone else do it.

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