Thursday, September 10, 2015

So...We Are Having Another Kid...

in like 5 weeks. Kind of a lot to wrap your head around. 

or maybe it is just for me? 

I am quickly realizing how true that whole "second child syndrome" this case I haven't blogged his growing time.

Parker has a whole book of blogs that in my eyes are amazing. I get to read them and remember everything about being pregnant with him.

It's better than a baby book. 

This kid....well...I'm sorry kid.

So let's play catch up shall we?

This time around has been a little more difficult. 

Morning sickness, while not every day, was all day sickness when I had it. One day in particular was extra terrible but I refused to go home because I thought it was just morning sickness. If I went home every time I had morning sickness I'd never be at work. wasn't. I had the flu and got other people sick. Sorry guys. 

This time I am huge. I am only 34 weeks tomorrow and I am waaay bigger than I was with P at 35. I know that is normal, but my god its uncomfortable. 

I think I may have pinched nerves in both of my hip areas, so at night I wake up when one side has fallen totally asleep or is totally pinched or something. When this happens I need to rotate sides...ya that is an experience. My belly is so big I have to get momentum to heave it to the other side, all while trying to find room for my feet because my huge dog is laying sideways in my bed. Thane hasn't been sleeping well this week..and I'm pretty sure its due to my beached whaleness every night. 

With Parker I rarely got up to pee. This kid. Every night. And trying to get the momentum to get out of bed. God, that is more of a task than walking to the bathroom. 

The big kicker is a muscle in my stomach. It is killing me. Usually it only hurts after a long day, but this has hurt every day. When I got out of Thane's car tonight I literally couldn't keep walking because I was in so much pain. Don't worry. I have talked to my doctor about it..several times. It is nothing. I have no other symptoms so I just have to deal with it. 

I knew this time would be rough. Parker was so easy and there is no way anyone can get that lucky more than once. 

As I told someone tonight, in the end it is all worth it and everything will be ok because we will have a brand spankin new sweet baby boy. Who I'm sure will sleep all night. 

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