Thursday, May 21, 2015

Just Let Me Complain

Just let me complain. Just a little. It's new. I swear. I don't think I complained much or at all with P's I get to now.

Yes I know it's worth it. Yes I know I should cherish every moment because it could be out last one. 

But for the next 10 minutes I'm going to complain. 

My shoulder has been killing me. Just killing me. 

I finally went to the chiropractor and found out its because my left side is totally out of whack. Between holding Parker on my left hip all the time and holding the phone at work on my left shoulder I have messed up my left side. It's ridiculously painful.

Yesterday it hurt to hold a box full of 50 cds in my left arm. Really?

Last night I was trying to get comfortable before bed and noticed I was sighing a lot. I informed Thane I sound like him when he is in in pain or sick...and I was annoying myself. 

Then I said, "I know you have fractured ribs...but let me bitch for a minute."

I can't lay on my right side because my progesterone shot from last week is starting to hurt. I can't lay on my left side because my progesterone shot from 2 weeks ago *still*hurts and my shoulder makes me want to cry. I can't lay on my back because I could end up killing our baby or something along those lines..and it hurts after awhile. And obviously I can't lay on my belly or our baby will end up with a "face like a pug." (Quote from my coworker).

I suck it up and lay on whichever side doesn't make me cry, but it is still frustrating. 

The progesterone shots are a killer. 

The shot itself is fine, its the after shock that is bad.

It's like having a bruise the size of a globe on your back, that forms like 4 days after you get it. I didn't think the one from last week hurt, until I touched the shot site directly on Amanda's counter at work and almost collapsed from the pain. 

That was fun. 

Today I thought I'd be fine getting long as they didn't inject in the same spot. If they had poked the same spot I'm pretty sure I would have died, or something else dramatic like that. 

Wrong. It was gross today. So gross.

Loved my nurse. She has had 2 c-sections, like I'm going to. Didn't breastfeed and had a horrible experience with it, like me. I loved talking to her and was hoping it would really distract me from the shot. 

Nope. Even through our conversation I could feel the shot oozing through me. It was warm...I didn't feel that last time. 

It wasn't pleasant. 

I always (ya know..the whole 3 times I have had it) have to keep reminding myself to breath and to not lock my knees so I don't pass out. Today I got to lay on the table when she gave it to me...and good thing because I definitely saw spot and probably would have passed out if I was standing up. 

I read that sometimes women can have pain down their hamstrings. My nurse today gave the shot a lot lower than the previous nurse so now I'm worried this may happen. 

Best part of the shots? So far I have gotten to hear the heartbeat every week. It doesn't get old. 

And trust me. I would take this shot every day and live with whatever pain that would cause if it meant our baby made it to at least 36 weeks. 

So for now, I will let the pain settle in and lay on the couch rubbing my bump hoping for a kick.

Cause in the matter how much pain I get to experience this time... I can't wait to meet this kid. 

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