Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Milestones Up The Wazoo!

What a day for Parker baby.

He not only found his hand this morning at 6:30, or something like that ;) but he also has his first "virus." AKA...the common cold?

I'm pretty sure the doctor called it a virus just to make it sound worse than it was.

My poor guy.

He is surprisingly acting ok though. He just freaks out when you lay him down flat on his back, which is probably because he then spits up..and chokes on it. Oiy.

He is spiting up a lot right now. :/ Best spit up the past two days just happened. He started to in his swing, Thane got him out quick because he was doing the choking thing, so then he got it all over Thane. Thane came to wake me up from my nap and I opened my eyes just in time to see a fresh wave hit the wall. Ugh.

He is soooo congested it makes my heart hurt. He is obviously doing ok, because he is eating, but he is so wheezy.

Hopefully this passes fast. I don't like listening to him like this.

But until then....I will lay with him in the recliner (I enjoyed our snuggles in it last night) with the humidifier on and pray that it passes soon.

On to his hand....cuuuuuuuuuuuuutest thing ever to see your kid chew on his hand.

Weird to say?


While I love to see him do it, and its adorable, it will also be expensive if he keeps it up.

Heellloooo dentist bills from sucking on his thumb.

The price of cuteness.


Something I should get better at...

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