Tuesday, May 21, 2013

When Is It Not Acceptable

to keep using the " I just had a baby" excuse?

Parker is over 4 months now.

I have been back with the living for about 3 months now.

Still have at least 12 pounds of baby weight to lose.

It may not sound like a lot, but if you've had a kid you know.

My body shape seems to have changed, and even though I am only about 12 pounds heavier than I was before I got pregnant...I seem to be carrying an extra 20 pounds still in my belly.

So, obviously you would say, "well Fatty...stop eating shitty food and it will just drop off!!!"

Yes. That will work.

As soon as I find the willpower to turn down a free bagel.

Seriously people, I can't believe how little self control I have. It is quite embarrassing. I see a free bagel and I'm like my 3 yr olds impulsively grabbing at it even though my WW leader just told me not to.

"Oh what's that cute old teacher lady vest wearing WW leader....don't eat this bagel...????" Oh you looked away for a second? Let me shove it in my mouth and then hum when you look back at me and act like nothing happened.

Literally my life.

I bought the WW Active Link last week and I LOVE it. It has already pushed me to do a little extra moving, and its only assessment week. I have high hopes that this will keep me motivated, especially when the challenges start.

I did have a WIN tonight. I usually fall asleep in the chair with P baby around 8:15, and tonight was on par to be the same thing. Except I would have been on the couch alone because it's Thane's night to put him down. I decided that Bernie has been a little neglected lately, so I would take just him for a walk.

1.12 miles later we were back and I didn't waste an hour of my night sleeping!

I had previously downloaded Map My Walk and I actually used it tonight. It is also super motivating.

So...wish me luck that I can at least keep up moving more. Every bit counts right?


I am also doing this this month. Day one done. If you see me and I can't walk....this is why.

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