Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Camden Birth Story- Part 1..his back story

When Thane and I decided it was time to have another baby it was a bittersweet moment. I knew that this would most likely be our last child. I knew I would have to cherish every moment of feeling his kicks and while I was uncomfortable, just be thankful he was still growing and thriving on the inside.

This pregnancy was different as we all got to enjoy his kick, watch him move, and even got to see him in more ultrasounds than normal. With Parker and Jensen the placenta (ugh I hate that word for some reason) had formed in the front, which mean an extra layer for them to kick through. This time it was in the back!! Thane only got to feel Parker move a few times and I don't even know if he got to feel Jensen, so I was beyond thankful that for our last time around that would be different. We got to watch my belly move, his kicks moved things I was resting on my belly, and most importantly the boys and Thane got to feel him.

Due to a major mom freak out at his 20 week ultrasound, the doctors decided we would be doing growth scans to keep track of him better. For some reason, I was more paranoid than usual this time around. At the 20 week the doctor left me and I glanced at the screen. All of my numbers were at 20-21 weeks except one...which I found out was the Cerebellum. That was marked at 15 weeks. Needless to say, I lost my mind. I didn't really like the doctor anyways, so I honestly didn't trust her to tell me anything. It didn't help that about 30 minutes after my appointment, my clinic called me because they realized they didn't schedule a follow up appointment with me.

The ultra sound numbers and the randomness of them calling me so soon after the appointment sent me over the edge in Steinhafels. It took everything in me to make it to the car before I burst into sobs while talking to Thane. I made the appointment for like 2 in the afternoon but quickly realized that was stupid. I wouldn't be productive at work until then, so I called back and made it for 9am.

In the meantime, I was texting Frannie freaking out and she being the best friend ever advised me to NOT google what it meant. Instead, she did it for me. The results weren't bad and many of the children who measured at 15 weeks at the scan were fine. But ya...try telling a hormonal mom that and having her actually calm down.

Looong story short. Once they actually sat down and looked at the scans, he was at 19 weeks not 15 and I was calm. The doctor used the tape measure to measure my belly and since I was about a week or 2 behind were I should be, she ordered growth scans just to be safe. Best thing ever for a paranoid mess. I got to see him every 4 weeks until 32 weeks. Even better, Parker got to see him 2 times before he came..and hear him a few times when the boys came to my weekly shot appointments. He was pretty much amazed every time.

Throughout the entire pregnancy I was terrified he would come early. With his brothers only making it to 35 weeks and a late 37 weeks...it was constantly on my mind. Once we hit 35 weeks I could breathe easier but I started to pay attention to anytime I put food in my mouth. Which lets be real...was like constantly. Knowing I was having a C-Section it was really important to know what I had just eaten and when because of the anesthetic.

Not to act like I have super early babies, but the combination of me being a doomsdayer and having 2 babies that didn't make it to full term...nooot a good combo.

From the moment we found out our due date, November 23rd which is also Thanksgiving this year, I called he would be born on Halloween. As the day got closer I called October 31st to Nov 2nd (Ya know..Halloween or my birthday). I can't tell you how many times I stopped in the baby aisle at Target and debated on buying a newborn Halloween outfit. I didn't let myself of course, because I was holding out hope that we would actually make it to our C-Section day of November 16th.

During our 33 week scan, which should have been my 32 week scan but I won't get in to that..eyeroll..I found out he was already weighin in at like 5lbs 2 oz or something crazy big like that. At that point I had already bought 2 coming home outfits in newborn sizes, one for a boy and one for a girl..because we didn't know his gender. After that scan, I headed right to Carters to buy a 0-3 month outfit because damn this kid was huge already.

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