Thursday, December 7, 2017

Camden- Recovery Room

I got wheeled out of the Delivery room and it was time to start recovery. 

I couldn't wait to get my hands on Camden and just snuggle. Ohh the snuggles. 

This is the part I don't remember a lot about.

I told Thane he could text people but he could NOT tell anyone via text the sex of our baby. I wanted anyone that was going to come see us to find out in person. We had waited this long for people to find out..what's a few more days? 

With the other boys I remember opening my eyes the first time in recovery and seeing my amazing husband nose to his phone with the biggest grin on his face ever. Just texting everyone he knew. 

I got wheeled in, they got me all set up, and then I had a baby on my chest...finally! 

This is the first place where the word "NICU" got thrown around. Camden's nurse in recovery was so amazing. Super sweet and beyond attentive to him. 

She noticed him grunting a lot or making some weird noise. She warned us that it could very well just be him trying to clear all the baby gunk out of this throat but it could also be a sign he wasn't breathing the best on his own. She was keeping a very close eye on him.

I only got to hold him for a few minutes because then one of my nurses came in and announced she had to push on me. 

For the love of God this part is horrendous. I wanted to cry before she even touched me because I knew what kind of pain was coming. 

I had to reluctantly give Camden back to Thane as I didn't want to like throw him in the air as a reaction to her pushing on my uterus. I call that "being a good mom." (Lesson one for new moms..don't throw a newborn in the air.)   

They took C off of me and we found out he pooped all over me. Nice. Thank man. They quickly got him a diaper...and me a new beautiful hospital gown. 

The pushing on me began and kept up about every 15 minutes. 

I'm so naive. I had no idea what was going on when they was going on. After 3 C-Sections I just thought they were pushing on my stomach to make sure my uterus was going down...until my friend Sara was like "" 

She looked at me like I was insane and then told me was actually happening while they pushed on me. I almost gagged. We determined that since I literally couldn't feel anything past my chest... that is why I had never noticed the um..outcome of their pushing. I feel really dumb that I didn't know that was happening...but I'm thankful too because Lord knows between the pain and and visualizing that I probably would have passed out.

While all this was happening, Thane attempted to feed C for the first time. He only took 3mls. They were hoping for like 5 to 10 I think but since it was the first feeding..not too much of a concern.

So this went on..every 15 minutes my nurse would come some stuff on the computer..and then make me swear. 

At one point about an hour into recovery, the charge nurse (I'm assuming? or just a head nurse whatever their title is) came in to check on my uterus pushing progress. "Ok..this is how I like to do it." She turns to me..."Focus on a spot on the ceiling and blow really hard like you're blowing out a birthday candle."

I biggie. I fixated on a spot and she put her hands like she was about to give CPR to my uterus and when I blew she pushed on me....and I screamed the F word so loud I'm pretty sure I scared the new dad next door waiting on his wife. Ya buddy...get ready to listen to your wife scream too. Cripes. 

She checked me and was like "There we go! I like to have them breath hard!" I wanted to punch her. Every time she walked in after that I flinched. Not that it mattered because then my nurse began to push on me like I was a CPR dummy. 

I kept doing skin to skin on and off with C because he was a tad chilly and I just wanted to hold him. 

His nurse kept checking on him and his breathing and so far she wasn't very concerned. She explained to us that since he was "Late term Preemie" she wanted to keep an extra eye on him just to make sure he was doing ok. I wasn't worried one bit. 

Parker had been born almost a week and a half earlier than Camden and he was fine! His only problem was his temperature, which provided a whole new set of stressful problems for us as 1st time parents, but it was minor. I knew Camden would be ok and we could start our snuggle fest really really soon. 

I was looking forward to my recovery time in the hospital just the 3 of us. I knew that once I got home I wouldn't have much time alone with C so I planned on soaking up all the skin to skin I could and relaxing with my husband. Yes...I was looking forward to my C-Section recovery as a type of vacation. Ha! 

I forgot to mention pretty much everyone was impressed with my consistency as a mom. 3 breech babies. 3 babies who came earlier than expected. 3 boys. 

I think those are 3 good reasons to be done having babies. 

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