Sunday comes and goes with no major events. I had Braxton Hicks, but nothing I worried about.
Monday sucked.
I was all pumped up when I got up because it was going to be my last Monday for 12 weeks!! I may have even been on time to work?
I sit down at my desk and boom. Contractions.
I ignored them because well... had them Saturday too..and nothing happened.
10 minutes later...had some more.
They were short and irregular.
I was in Amanda's room complaining..."Ya know. I'm not having this kid naturally...I don't *need* to have contractions to get ready. I don't think my body got the memo."
Apparently I was being a baby all day because every time I saw someone they would ask me if I was ok.
I was in a conversation with Amanda and got another round. She kept talking and I tried really really hard to just focus on what she was saying. I don't think I did a good job because as soon as it was over she asked "Did it pass?"
Opps. I don't think I hide pain very well...
I decided maybe I should start writing them down and keeping track just to be sure. All day I thought about Heather who had contractions all day at work...and then it carried on at her house. I won't tell her birth story...but it definitely could have just happened to us!
So I downloaded an app to keep track. Ya. That was worthless. It's hard to hit that start stop button when you have to unlock your phone every time. Doesn't really make it very accurate. Instead I used this thing called....a pen and paper.
The contractions weren't hard and I could talk through most of them. Although I didn't want to. They were not consistent and not long at all.
Walking really sucked. I tried to not do it.
I knew I must be looking bad if my boss kept offering me people to do all my errands that involved moving from my desk. He asked me a few times why I was still at work. I was definitely debating changing my end date to Wednesday so I could just relax on Thursday before surgery.
I knew I *had* to go to Target on my break. We were out of NutriGrain bars, bread, and milk. 3 staple items in my house. One of which causes major tantrums in the morning if we don't have.
Have you ever had to walk through Target while having contractions and a baby sitting on your bladder? I wasn't the most enjoyable of Target trips. I'm surprised I didn't break the plastic handle on my cart with how hard I was squeezing it.
Like I said.....I have a very low pain tolerance I guess.
So I went to Target for those 3 items and left with $100 in random crap that I thought we really needed. I had to laugh at myself when I really looked at my cart...and then updated my status. "Either there is a blizzard coming or I am having a baby this week!" My cart was seriously like a dooms day cart. I panicked that we wouldn't have enough fruit snacks and juice. Grabbed 3 boxes of cereal we like. Market Pantry nutrigrain bars were on SALE and CARTWHEEL! Boom. Bought 8.
Got back to work with just enough time to put my milk and such in the fridge.
I enjoyed my afternoon of Braxton Hicks. Got pretty much all of my important stuff done for when I'm gone.
5:56: I remember I have groceries in the fridge and go get them. Big win for me. Remembering I have stuff in the fridge at work.
5:58pm: I was annoyed at how many kids were still there when we close at 6. I figured I should take my 800th trip to the bathroom for the day. We live about 30-40 minutes away from KJ and that is a long painful drive when you have to pee.
5:58.34: I get outside my office and a terrible contraction starts. I turn to head back to my chair so I could sit through it. Then I get a entire stomach tightening, hard, yelp in pain contraction...and a gush.
My water broke. At work. Awesome.
I run in the office to get my purse. Well, I didn't run...3 of my coworkers were in there and I asked Whitney to put away my groceries. I wasn't going home for either a few hours or a few days so best not to take it. I think I explained to them my water broke and we all freaked out.
I remember them going, " this it!? Should we drive you to the hospital?!" I think that is what they said at least. I think my response was, "Fuck. Call my husband."
Which was stupid to say because none of them have Thane's number, my phone has a lock on it, and I wasn't sure if they would look under P's account in our system to get it.
I'm walking to the bathroom when another coworker comes out holding a picture day form "Pam!! What do I do with this? Do I keep it? Do I have the teachers keep it? Do we file it?"
"I DON'T know! I am really not concerned about that right now!!" Speaking of that...can someone tell her that I was going to have my baby soon..I wasn't trying to be a bitch?
I go the bathroom, come back, grab my purse and say "Well, I'm leaving." Thank god they were there so I didn't have to worry about closing up for the night.
They kept offering me to drive me to the hospital, but that would be silly because then how would they get home? So I had Nicki help me take some stuff to my car and headed out.
I called Thane, crying, a lot. I was in pain...and heading to the hospital alone.
He was thankfully at home with Parker. He told me to let him know what the doctors said and he would be right in. My mother in law was coming to stay with Parker just in case...but I think we both had the mentality that this could be a false alarm again. He didn't want to head in and leave Parker if he didn't need to. Which was totally fine because I was thinking the same thing. Although, he did finish packing up our bag.
You are supposed to call the your doctor first and then wait for their call to head to the hospital but ya. We live far away. I felt I was in labor. Zero chances of me heading home and waiting for their call. I still called....I just happened to be on my way to Meriter while waiting for a call back.
I called my mom on the way to let her know and started to cry. Not because I was in pain or nervous about having J. I was nervous that I wasn't in labor. Again. I would feel like a total asshat if I went in again and had to go through the test etc and wouldn't leave with a baby. Again.
Thank God it wasn't rush hour. Thank God I only had 2 minor contractions while driving. Well, once I got to the parking garage I had a pretty intense one.
I had apparently missed the doctor's call and had to call back. So I sat in the lobby and waited for my phone call.
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