Monday, October 26, 2015

Cluster Feeding

is the reason babies come out so cute.

They have to be...because cluster feeding is awful. So when you're feeding them for the 900th time...just 1 oz at a 3am you still look at them and smile and sigh because they are just so dang cute. 

That was my night last night...but I was smiling at him through my tears at 3am because I was beyond tired. 

Rewind to about 8pm when I was falling asleep sitting on the couch. Sitting..not laying. Thane told me to go to bed, but it was Saturday night...I was not going to bed at 8! So I toughed it out. Doing the head bob thing when you fall asleep and jerk awake. 

At one point, I gave him a hug and said, "I just want to sleeeep!!" He asked if I wanted him to take the shift tonight. I in fact did NOT want that. We had family pictures the next day and he had some side work. My response: "No, as much as I want sleep, I want you to not be crabby tomorrow even more."

He didn't say anything and then,"I can take the first shift?" Deal.

So I finally went to bed at 10:30. I know I know...I get pretty crazy on Saturday nights.

Thane brought him in around 11:45. 

Since my kid's stomach is like a clock, this meant I had exactly 3 hours to sleep some more.

11:50...he poops.

11:55....he is fussing.

11:56...I change him

11:58...put him back in his sleeper

12:00....still fussing.

and so my night begins. I would feed him 2 ounces, burp him, and try to get him to sleep..but he was always looking for more.

I tried putting him in his swing because that always works. What baby doesn't love their swing? Mine. 

And right now, he barely weighs anything so even the lowest setting makes it seem like he is going to be launched across the room. I can't sleep with him in that thing right now. It makes me nervous. 

I know what you're saying...well feed him more then. 

Ya. We are having issues with feeding. One of them being if we even feed him a half ounce more than he is used to, he throws it up. But if we wait for a bit, chances are he is will be ok. 

So this is how our night went. 2 oz at normal feeding time (1 oz every other time), he closes his eyes and looks like he is ready to sleep, lay down, quiet just long enough for me to settle in on the couch and wait, then cry and nuzzle for more. 


Until 2:45.

I apparently was moving a little slower than usual because Thane came wondering out of our room. J had been crying longer than usual. I stared at him and said, "I've been up since I left our room."

He offered to feed him, but I was almost done, so he just sat by me and rubbed my back. (Because he is the best husband in the world) and when J was done eating, we went to bed.

Put him in his sleeper, crawled in bed, got comfy, sighed and closed my eyes...he started fussing. 

Thane got up right away and I told him to come get me in 30 minutes..I only needed to sleep for 30 minutes and I would be good to go. Cat naps are what I am surviving on right now.

3:15 he comes back to bed and J sleeps til I wok him up at 8am this morning.

How did Thane do it? 

Just gave him 1 final oz.



I would have done that too but I was scared he would throw up and then we would start all over. 

He cluster fed 7oz over a course of 4 hours. He normally eats 2 oz every 3 hours.

I am thankful that he is keeping food down though. It hasn't been going well. That's another blog post. I definitely want to remember that terrible week. 

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